This is one of those insights that corresponds to the Bible’s intent and makes me think “Why didn’t someone say this so clearly earlier?” Theology Ancestry Adam and Eve
Greg Cootsona
Greg Cootsona is Project Co-director of Science for the Church and Lecturer in Religious Studies and Humanities at California State University at Chico. He formerly served nearly 18 years as associate pastor for young adult ministries and adult discipleship in New York and Chico, California. Greg studied comparative literature at U.C. Berkeley and theology at Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div.), the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg, as well as Berkeley’s Graduate Theological Union (the latter where he received his Ph.D.). He is the author of seven books, including Mere Science and Christian Faith, C.S. Lewis and the Crisis of a Christian, and most recently, Negotiating Science and Religion in America. Greg is passionate about the power of connecting mainstream science with “mere Christianity.”
This is one of those insights that corresponds to the Bible’s intent and makes me think “Why didn’t someone say this so clearly earlier?” Theology Ancestry Adam and Eve

Mere Science and the Christian Faith by Greg Cootsona sparked a conversation about Intelligent Design’s place in science and in the Church. Design Dialogue Science Theology

With important questions before, us how should we approach origins? Let’s keep working at this with our eyes focused, not on Adam and Eve, but on Jesus. Adam and Eve Theology