What Does It Mean To Be Human?


Seeking dialogue and understanding across disagreements that matter.


Engaging content from scientists, theologians, and other scholars.


A civic practice of science, founded by a scientist at Washington University in St. Louis.

The Tonto Deformation
The Tonto Deformation Stephen Mitchell, et al.
Assessing whether the geology of the Grand Canyon is consistent with rapid formation under a young Earth, global flood model.
I Agree With Behe
I Agree With Behe S. Joshua Swamidass
I want to affirm again my common ground with Behe. Dialogue is only possible if we keep our common ground in view, and we have much of common ground.
Cancer and Evolution
Cancer and Evolution S. Joshua Swamidass
Evolutionary theory makes sense of cancer, giving us critical insight into how it works. Going the other direction, cancer makes sense of evolution too.
From a Certain Point of View
From a Certain Point of View Andy Walsh
Have you ever been shipped off to a military academy as a preteen, only to find it’s an orbital platform with low gravity? How do you find a frame of reference to orient to those new surroundings?