Early Genesis

The Revealed Cosmology

Early Genesis: Some have relegated it to myth, while others have adopted the traditional Jewish view of the material, with perhaps bits of Christian perspective cobbled on here and there. Both of these approaches are incorrect. While not contradicting the foundation of any essential Christian doctrine, these errors have had serious consequences. Most people who believe the material don’t really understand what it is that they believe, and people who dismiss the material do not really understand what it is that they dismiss.

For example, from these misunderstandings “The LORD” (Yahweh) is considered by the popular culture to be an unsympathetic figure. A proper understanding of the text shows this opinion to be the polar opposite of the truth. The post-modern world is flailing away at a straw man with Yahweh’s name on it, while the church lacks the full knowledge of the character of Yahweh necessary to demonstrate the fraud of this absurdity.

Miraculously, Christ is the key to understanding the events of early Genesis. What may seem like “primitive myths” considered outside the light of the gospel become both history and prophecy when viewed through the lens of the gospel–a powerful testimony to their truth. If you are ready to understand early Genesis in a more powerfully Christ-centered way which at the same time miraculously reconciles the account with evidence from human history and the natural universe, then this book is for you.

“If you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.” - John 5:46

Jesus made a bold claim. He said that Moses wrote about Him! And indeed, claimed it was so much about Him that one could not really believe the writings of Moses without also believing in Him. Obviously, the claim cannot be true unless He is who scripture says that He is and that scripture is Divinely Inspired. Thus, the Christ-centered model has powerful apologetics value.

Here are just some of the mysteries of scripture discussed in this book as the Christ-Centered Model for early Genesis is laid out:

  • How the Genesis account was received and edited together, which includes the strong possibility that the material used to compile early Genesis pre-dated other ancient near east accounts which have common elements.
  • The forgotten truth about what it means to be “In the Image of God”.
  • Refuting Literal Days.
  • Showing how the Seventh Day in early Genesis was not fulfilled on earth until after the Crucifixion, making it both history and prophecy.
  • The scriptural case that Adam was not the sole male founder of the human race, nor necessarily the first man, but rather part of God’s plan to reconcile humanity through a stand-in which found ultimate fulfillment in Christ.
  • The case for a northern location for the Garden of Eden, up to 13,000 years ago.
  • How the Genesis genealogies should be read and what they tell us about when Adam lived.
  • Whether the creation accounts in Genesis chapters one and two are different or simply differing versions of the same story.
  • Reconciles the accounts in early Genesis with evidence from the natural universe while at the same time describing the limits of Concordism.
  • Why most of the “Creation vs. Evolution” wars are the wrong battle.
  • The identity of the “Sons of God and the daughters of men" in Genesis chapter six.
  • The case against the “Book of Enoch” as canon
  • Why the text is really describing a “Local flood with global consequences”. The true threat of the flood was that the line of Messiah would have been cut off, dooming all the earth to perish without redemption, not that every man and beast on earth would have died.
  • The truth about the “Tower of Babel”, Nimrod, and where the account in Genesis ties into known human history.
  • An anthropological epilogue