I depart from Adam and the Genome’s main thesis. Critical information was left out of this book about genealogical science. Adam and Eve Science
The Dialogue with BioLogos
I depart from Adam and the Genome’s main thesis. Critical information was left out of this book about genealogical science. Adam and Eve Science

Instead of narrowly arguing for our own theology, let us all advocate for truthful accounts of science and the full diversity of the Church. Peace. Adam and Eve Dialogue Society

A genealogical Adam will not solve the puzzle of Adam and Eve for everyone, but it will for many. Is a rapprochement possible? Adam and Eve Science Society

Darrel Falk, People like me, stuck in a specific genetic paradigm, were wrong. The humility of our scholars opens a better way forward for everyone. Adam and Eve Science
Does genetics challenge a single-couple origin to humanity? William Lane Craig explains how we found that this challenge was an illusion. Adam and Eve Science

BioLogos deletes an article from their website. Why did they delete it? What were the mistakes in it? Transparency is how we move forward. Adam and Eve Dialogue Science

BioLogos updates their scientific position on Adam and Eve. This is an important step forward and a key milestone in the conversation. Science Adam and Eve