Mere Science and the Christian Faith by Greg Cootsona sparked a conversation about Intelligent Design’s place in science and in the Church. Design Dialogue Science Theology
15th Anniversary of the Dover Trial
Mere Science and the Christian Faith by Greg Cootsona sparked a conversation about Intelligent Design’s place in science and in the Church. Design Dialogue Science Theology
It is the fifteenth anniversary of the Dover Trial, so let’s revisit Eugenie Scott’s scientist hat. Design
15 years ago, the biochemist Micheal Behe was a star witness at the Dover Trial. He explains the trial was Kafkaesque, a surreal experience. Design
Fifteen years ago in the Dover Trial, one of the star witnesses was Kenneth Miller, a textbook biologist. He has many stories to tell. Design Science Society
Barbara Forrest argues that Intelligent Design is a Trojan Horse, just a rehash of creationism. Is this really true? I’m not so sure. Design History Science
Fifteen years years after Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District was decided, the case continues to draw interesting comments. Design Science Society