In a review of Theistic Evolution, two scholars propose “Mere Theistic Evolution” as a way to bridge the divide between Intelligent Design and evolutionary science.
The ETS Session on Mere Theistic Evolution
The Evangelical Theological Society hosts a session on “Mere Theistic Evolution.”The Evangelical Theological Society meeting is one of the most important theological meetings. November 20, 2019, they hosted a symposium on *Mere Theistic Evolution. The articles are published here.
The book Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique argues that the most common forms of theistic evolution, such as evolutionary creationism, are not consistent with orthodox Christian belief. In response, Mike Murray and John Churchill propose that, nonetheless, some versions of theistic evolution can be consistent with orthodox beliefs. Rather than rejecting evolution as a whole, these better versions of TE are valid options too. Several scholars respond to them.
A video recording of the full session is available too. Transcripts of the session are available here.
In a review of Theistic Evolution, two scholars propose “Mere Theistic Evolution” as a way to bridge the divide between Intelligent Design and evolutionary science.
The Christian community needs to see more humility from its intellectual leaders—and more patience and less pressure to crank out surefire answers to hard questions on complex issues.
Rather than ask, “Can we reconcile orthodox evolutionary theory with orthodox theological commitments?”, I ask: “Should we?”
Murray and Churchill’s paper do an admirable job defending theistic evolution against theological objections.
In this essay we respond to the comments of Tom McCall, William Lane Craig, and Stephen C. Meyer on mere theistic evolution.