Exploring what paleontology, archaeology and biology tell us about when our ancestors acquired uniquely human traits. Science History
William Lane Craig
William Lane Craig is Visiting Scholar of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology and Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University. Dr. Craig pursued his undergraduate studies at Wheaton College (B.A. 1971) and graduate studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M.A. 1974; M.A. 1975), the University of Birmingham (England) (Ph.D. 1977), and the University of Munich (Germany) (D.Theol. 1984). He has authored or edited over thirty books, including The Kalam Cosmological Argument; Assessing the New Testament Evidence for the Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus; Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom; Theism, Atheism and Big Bang Cosmology; and God, Time and Eternity.
Exploring what paleontology, archaeology and biology tell us about when our ancestors acquired uniquely human traits. Science History
Murray and Churchill’s paper do an admirable job defending theistic evolution against theological objections.
Why do I prefer an ancient genealogical Adam over Josh’s hypothesized recent genealogical Adam? The reasons are both biblical and scientific. Theology
In Quest of the Historical Adam is an olive branch to scientists, putting forward an account of human origins that is consistent with evolution. Evolution Theology Science
Does genetics challenge a single-couple origin to humanity? William Lane Craig explains how we found that this challenge was an illusion. Adam and Eve Science