This is the history that young earth creationists do not want you to know about. History
This is the history that young earth creationists do not want you to know about. History

Want to make your new category of ‘scientists’ stand out? Make them shining beacons of knowledge against a backdrop of flat Earth ignorance—even if you have to invent that too. Science History

Exploring what paleontology, archaeology and biology tell us about when our ancestors acquired uniquely human traits. Science History

Always check the references; you never know when Washington Irving might be gaslighting you. Science History

Here be dragons, and what they really meant to those who included them on their maps. Science History

Whatever else you might think of Christopher Columbus, you can rest assured he set sail from a Europe that already knew the Earth was round. Science History
Barbara Forrest argues that Intelligent Design is a Trojan Horse, just a rehash of creationism. Is this really true? I’m not so sure. Design History Science

In his book, The War that Never Was, Kenneth Kemp unpacks the historical misconception that science and faith are inherently at odds. History Science Theology

Gavin Ortlund’s new book, Retrieving Augustine’s Doctrine of Creation, explores how Augustine’s doctrine of creation influences current creation debates. Dialogue History Theology

We will invite four leading science historians to give a lecture about the role of Christian scientists, theologians and theology in the scientific revolution. History Science

Scientists labor in a house that someone built a long time ago. Christians were among the house’s architects, and have stories to tell about house’s history. History Science