The Providential Arrival of Our Species Darrel R. Falk March 7, 2023An exploration of the unique providential events (and nonevents) in the evolutionary lineage of humans Science
Would Marcus Ross Come Reason With Me? S. Joshua Swamidass August 9, 2022If Dr. Marcus Ross has any scientific objections to my work, let him to take them up directly with me. Science
Adam, Alien or Ape? Edgar H. Andrews March 30, 2022Four possible models of how humans came to possess their unique traits, in an imaginative old earth creationist book. Science Theology Adam and Eve
The Recent Inventions of the Flat Earth Derrick Peterson March 16, 2022Want to make your new category of ‘scientists’ stand out? Make them shining beacons of knowledge against a backdrop of flat Earth ignorance—even if you have to invent that too. Science History
When Did We Become Human? William Lane Craig March 9, 2022Exploring what paleontology, archaeology and biology tell us about when our ancestors acquired uniquely human traits. Science History
The Myth of the Myth Derrick Peterson March 2, 2022Always check the references; you never know when Washington Irving might be gaslighting you. Science History
Pursuing Justice in Public Health Akaninyene Ruffin, et al. February 24, 2022I went to Vanderbilt specifically to study the social determinants of health, specifically those related to outcomes of Black birthing folks. Science Race
Maps and Monsters Derrick Peterson February 16, 2022Here be dragons, and what they really meant to those who included them on their maps. Science History
Entering Science from a Historically Black University Sierra A. Nance, et al. February 6, 2022I was not afforded the same opportunities for research as students who went to other institutions. My knowledge and abilities were questioned because I went to a smaller, less well-known HBCU. Science Race
Flat Earths and Fake Footnotes Derrick Peterson February 2, 2022Whatever else you might think of Christopher Columbus, you can rest assured he set sail from a Europe that already knew the Earth was round. Science History
Eden Reconsidered Kenneth R. Miller January 25, 2022The Genesis story of Adam and Eve matters. Not just to Christians, but to people of all Abrahamic faiths. Science Ancestry Adam and Eve
The Dying and Living of the Light Andy Walsh January 5, 2022Entropy is unavoidable. But that doesn’t mean we have no choice about its consequences and who experiences them. Science Art
From a Certain Point of View Andy Walsh December 29, 2021Have you ever been shipped off to a military academy as a preteen, only to find it’s an orbital platform with low gravity? How do you find a frame of reference to orient to those new surroundings? Science Art
Stop! You’re Both Right! Andy Walsh December 22, 2021Kamala Khan or Ms Marvel? Light particle or Light wave? Jesus the Son of Man or Jesus the Son of God? Which of these identities are the true ones? They all are. Science Art
There But for the Strange Attractor of God Andy Walsh December 15, 2021Some see God’s grace in the way the sun rises every morning or in a nourishing rainfall. But have you ever seen God’s grace in a system of equations? Science Art
Two Roads Diverged in the Multiverse Andy Walsh December 8, 2021You come to a fork in your life’s path. In a multiverse, there’s no need to settle for just choosing one way. Science Art
The Power of Babelfish Andy Walsh December 1, 2021They thought they were talking about the same thing because they were using the same word, but they actually had very different concepts in mind. Enter the Babelfish. Science Art
Evolving Our Eating from Animals to Plants Ashley Moses November 21, 2021What might the future of eating look like? Only time will tell, but our current eating habits suggest a shift towards a more plant based diet. Science Society
May More Scientists Care About Adam and Eve William Lane Craig, et al. November 8, 2021In Quest of the Historical Adam is an olive branch to scientists, putting forward an account of human origins that is consistent with evolution. Evolution Theology Science
What A Scientist Learns From A Southern Baptist Seminary S. Joshua Swamidass October 1, 2021Race, origins, and abuse. A scientist learns a great deal about courage and peacemaking from a week at a Southern Baptist seminary. Science Race Society
A U-Turn on Adam and Eve S. Joshua Swamidass August 30, 2021BioLogos updates their scientific position on Adam and Eve. This is an important step forward and a key milestone in the conversation. Science Adam and Eve
Is There Phosphine Above the Clouds of Venus? Paul B. Rimmer August 14, 2021I am one of the scientists studying phosphine in the clouds of Venus. We are still wondering if this is the first signs of life on another planet. Science
Q&A on “A Compromise on Creationism” S. Joshua Swamidass March 22, 2021The growing conversation around accreditation of creation science, academic freedom, and national norms can be guided by better information. Science Society
An Imagination Game to Bridge Divides Kristel Tjandra February 18, 2021Let’s play Rob O’Malley’s imagination game. How would you respond? How would you build bridges across these significant divides? Science Society