Swamidass invites us to treat one another virtuously in the midst of our differences, not as things but as persons, as King envisioned in view of Jesus. Theology Society
Swamidass invites us to treat one another virtuously in the midst of our differences, not as things but as persons, as King envisioned in view of Jesus. Theology Society

What might the future of eating look like? Only time will tell, but our current eating habits suggest a shift towards a more plant based diet. Science Society

Race, origins, and abuse. A scientist learns a great deal about courage and peacemaking from a week at a Southern Baptist seminary. Science Race Society

A pentecostal scientist explains his common cause with scientists at The Smithsonian, implementing a peaceful pedagogical approach. Evolution Society

Mainstream scientists shouldn’t completely shun organizations friendly to the belief. Reprinted from The Wall Street Journal. Society

The growing conversation around accreditation of creation science, academic freedom, and national norms can be guided by better information. Science Society

It takes real courage for institutions to transparently admit mistakes and to correct them. The ASA offers an olive branch. I accept. Dialogue Society

Let’s play Rob O’Malley’s imagination game. How would you respond? How would you build bridges across these significant divides? Science Society

Two black scientists explored the effects of segregation on children. Their Doll Test played a key role in the Civil Rights movement. Ancestry Race Society

Picture a scientist. Is the scientist a woman? Or a man? Most of us pictured a man, but it’s changing for the better. Art Science Society

The questions of race return us to the grand question: what does it mean to be human? Science is important, but so is what lies beyond. Ancestry Race Society

Fifteen years years after Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District was decided, the case continues to draw interesting comments. Design Science Society
We disagree. These disagreements matter. Still, we can find a better way than conflict. Let us move towards one another from here. Society
James Tour and I do not agree on everything, but we found virtue in the wasteland, friendship across our disagreements. Design Dialogue Society

I went public in 2012 on evolution. When it comes to personal risks, very personal reasons take center stage. Why did I go public? Confession Evolution Society

In 2012, with this article, I went public in The Journal, confessing that I had seen evidence for evolution, but found foundation in Christ. Evolution Society
Fifteen years ago in the Dover Trial, one of the star witnesses was Kenneth Miller, a textbook biologist. He has many stories to tell. Design Science Society
On August 17, 2020, Steve Olson is discussing his book on the nuclear bomb and the Hanford site: the factory refined plutonium fuel for the bombs. Society

Former Christian turned atheist, Stephen Matheson, invites fellow secular humanists to join the growing conversation at Peaceful Science. Dialogue Forum Science Society

Making peace with science requires new wine poured into new wineskins. Dr. Paul Louis Metzger founded New Wine, New Wineskins to bridge cultural divides. Dialogue Science Society Theology

Says Darrel Falk, The creation story is beautiful beyond imagination. However, even more beautiful is the concept of peace-filled science enthusiasts. Dialogue Society Theology

As segregation ended, the great evangelist Billy Graham contemplated the gospel alongside the anthropology of race: God hath made of one blood. Society Theology

With our first grant, a foundation will be laid from which to launch Peaceful Science as a new voice on human origins, uniquely equipped to facilitate an exchange of questions between theology and science. This could be a new way forward, where we find common ground in grand questions, rather than common answers. Science Society

In the conversation between theology and science, digital dialogue is important, but comes with perils. Maybe DOIs could help us do better. Dialogue Society