Many of us still feel Michael Hesier’s absence. I certainly do, and will for some time come. Theology
Many of us still feel Michael Hesier’s absence. I certainly do, and will for some time come. Theology

Exploring options for reconciling evolutionary science with the Bible, with a focus on Reformed theologies and hermaneutics. Theology

Four possible models of how humans came to possess their unique traits, in an imaginative old earth creationist book. Science Theology Adam and Eve

Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the most impactful theologians of the 20th century, but most Christians have never read his work. Here is how to read him. Race Theology
Swamidass invites us to treat one another virtuously in the midst of our differences, not as things but as persons, as King envisioned in view of Jesus. Theology Society
This is one of those insights that corresponds to the Bible’s intent and makes me think “Why didn’t someone say this so clearly earlier?” Theology Ancestry Adam and Eve
I don’t see any biblical passage that is fatal to the thesis. On the other hand, I also don’t see—and the author admits this openly—any explicit data in the text to support the thesis. Theology Ancestry Adam and Eve
The critics misunderstand a highly significant result. This book answers the twelve objections to evolution raised by Wayne Grudem. Theology
The biblical text gives us anchor points in our engagement with modern science even though it does not focus on a lot of the concerns that modern scientists have in their work. Theology
Why do I prefer an ancient genealogical Adam over Josh’s hypothesized recent genealogical Adam? The reasons are both biblical and scientific. Theology
The main concern about the Genealogical Adam and Eve model (GAE) is its assertion that humans already existed outside the Garden. My contention is that there is nothing new about this. Theology

In Quest of the Historical Adam is an olive branch to scientists, putting forward an account of human origins that is consistent with evolution. Evolution Theology Science
I ultimately learned that Christians do not have to strawman science, and scientists do not have to strawman religion. Evolution Theology

It is difficult to classify every way of understanding Adam and Eve alongside evolution. These four questions are a helpful starting point. Adam and Eve Theology
This was the time that Ken Ham and William Lane Craig discussed evolution and Jesus at Peaceful Science. Dialogue Science Theology
Michael Heiser pursues his exegetical work on its own terms, engaging watchfully with science. How do sacred and natural history combine? Adam and Eve Theology

The question of race is pointed. Are we all in the image of God? With equal rights and dignity? Or are some of us different. Ancestry Art Theology

In his book, The War that Never Was, Kenneth Kemp unpacks the historical misconception that science and faith are inherently at odds. History Science Theology

Mere Science and the Christian Faith by Greg Cootsona sparked a conversation about Intelligent Design’s place in science and in the Church. Design Dialogue Science Theology

In memory of Glenn Morton (1950-2020), Peaceful Science is republishing his personal account and testimony of leaving Young-Earth Creationism. Confession Dialogue Science Theology

Gavin Ortlund’s new book, Retrieving Augustine’s Doctrine of Creation, explores how Augustine’s doctrine of creation influences current creation debates. Dialogue History Theology

Jon Garvey published the first book-length response to Joshua Swamidass’ The Genealogical Adam and Eve, a theological case for people outside the garden. Adam and Eve Theology

Gavin Ortlund’s new book, Finding the Right Hills to Die On, advocates for prioritizing which theological concerns are most important when engaging science. Evolution Theology

In his series of novels, Brian Godawa joins the ancient midrash tradition of imaginatively retelling human origins through the lens of Genesis. Dialogue Evolution Theology