What does genetic science tell us about Adam and Eve?
The theological conversation on Adam and Eve conversation continues.
In late April, an invitation-only conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary is bringing several scholars together to dialogue with William Lane Craig, Andrew Loke, Marcus Ross, and Kenton Sparks. Two takes on a genealogical Adam and Eve, alongside a young earth creationist and a purely mythological Adam and Eve.
In May, William Lane Craig and Joshua Swamidass are holding a pre-conference workshop at Dabar’s invitation-only conference on the image of God.
Searching for Adam and Eve: Retrospective and Prospective
William Lane Craig and S. Joshua Swamidass provide a synopsis of their respective models, as well as what they’ve learned following the reception and interaction of their works. Following each lecture, there will also be plenty of room for dialogue and interaction
But our focus at Peaceful Science is on the science of this question. We are taking a detailed dive at this summer’s ASA conference.
Key Advances in the Science of Adam, Eve, and Evolution
This workshop is designed for scholars and lay-people alike, with the goal of understanding several new and under-appreciated findings in the science of human origins that are important for the Church. In particular, over the last five years, our understanding of how evolutionary science interacts with the sacred history in Genesis has dramatically changed. As one scholar puts it, “we have arrived at the point where we can confidently affirm that the basic evolutionary story is not the threat to Christian orthodoxy that we once feared, and not because we had to compromise on orthodoxy.” At the same time, we are finding strong connections between human origins and societal questions about race and injustice. There is urgency here for those engaging the Church with science; most still do not know about this rapprochement and what it offers us. Scholars also have reason to be excited; a host of new theological and scientific questions are rising in a growing conversation about what it means to be human.
The last ASA workshop we did on this topic was in 2018, and it was standing room only. This time the workshop is on June 29th, at Point Loma University, San Diego.
Join us if you can, and stay for the full ASA conference too.
Mar 31, 2022
Mar 31, 2022
Mar 28, 2025