Ending the Evolution Wars requires a response to the theological objections of evolutionary skeptics.
In 2017, several Intelligent Design scholars wrote a book, the Crossway book on Theistic Evolution. They offered two primary theological objections to evolution: (1) evolution is in conflict with the doctrine of God’s providence, and (2) evolution is in conflict with a historical Adam and Eve.
In 2019, Michael Murray and John Churchill published their response, Mere Theistic Evolution (MTE). They argued that divine providence and a historical Adam and Eve are, in fact, compatible with evolutionary science.
Several scholars responded to MTE at The Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) meeting that year.
To renew and reopen the conversation on MTE, we are publishing the articles from the ETS session over the next month.
Feb 15, 2022
Mar 1, 2022
Mar 29, 2025