Dr. Swamidass spoke at Iowa State University on AI. ChatGPT is not a human. But what if a chimpanzee stood up one day and talked to us with the same level of competence as does ChatGPT? Well, maybe we might have some new ethical responsibilities to this chimpanzee…
The second night in Iowa focused on The Genealogical Adam and Eve. The conversation—at this secular university—was incredible, particularly some remarkable exchanges with students in Prof. Tom Ingebritsen’s course on faith and science.
The highlight was the many personal exchanges with both students and faculty. Prof. Ingebritsen’s story is one of those conversations we wanted to share with you. It is a story that began many decades ago, intersects with the Dover Trial in 2005, and is continuing even now in the class that Tom still teaches each hear for undergrads at Iowa University.
It has been a very busy year, and there is much about which to update you. We hope to be sharing more in the coming weeks.
Aug 28, 2023
Aug 28, 2023
Feb 11, 2025