Reviewing When Did Sin Begin? Peaceful Science March 23, 2025A review examines how scientific evidence for human evolution intersects with theological understandings of original sin.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on Clean and Unclean Peaceful Science March 17, 2025Stanford professor and likely next NIH director draws biblical parallels between ancient stigmas and our modern pandemic response.
Jay Bhattacharya’s COVID Sermon Jay Bhattacharya March 5, 2025Likely the new director of the NIH, Jay Bhattacharya preaches on the Bible and COVID in 2022. Science Communication
Announcing the Wheaton Fellows Program Peaceful Science February 11, 2025A new fellowship desinged to equip Christian scholars in secular institutions.
When Did Sin Begin? Kenneth D. Keathley, et al. November 27, 2024Reviewing Haarsma’s book, there are indeed “many ways” to reconcile evolution with the doctrine of sin… Ancestry Evolution
An Evangelical Conversation on the Historical Adam and Eve Peaceful Science August 28, 2024A dialogue between four leading evangelical scholars, exploring the theological and scientific questions surrounding the historical Adam and Eve.
Two Geologists Examine YEC Claims on the Grand Canyon Peaceful Science August 26, 2024Stephen Mitchell and Kennen Tilman respond to Andrew Snellings articles.
The Tonto Deformation Stephen Mitchell, et al. August 15, 2024Assessing whether the geology of the Grand Canyon is consistent with rapid formation under a young Earth, global flood model.
Tonto Depositional Processes and Rates Stephen Mitchell, et al. August 15, 2024Assessing whether the geology of the Grand Canyon is consistent with rapid formation under a young Earth, global flood model.
Examining Young Earth Creation Claims About the Grand Canyon Stephen Mitchell, et al. August 15, 2024Assessing whether the geology of the Grand Canyon is consistent with rapid formation under a young Earth, global flood model.
Remembering Michael Heiser Peaceful Science February 20, 2024Many of us still feel his absence, and we will for some time come.
Michael S. Heiser, Gandalf, and the Neanderthal S. Joshua Swamidass February 19, 2024Many of us still feel Michael Hesier’s absence. I certainly do, and will for some time come. Theology
The Garden of Eden on the History Channel Peaceful Science January 29, 2024Dr. Swamidass is appearing in a documentary next week on the Garden of Eden.
AI in Iowa State and Professor Tom Ingebritsen’s Story Peaceful Science August 28, 2023What if a chimpanzee stood up one day and talked to us with the same level of competence as does ChatGPT?
How Jesus Changed This Scientist’s Life Thomas S. Ingebritsen August 28, 2023Tom Ingebritsen was a biology professor at Iowa State University for 24 years when he found something that changed everything. Confession Resurrection
Two Stories of Shifting Science in Origins Peaceful Science March 21, 2023The reasoning by which we come to particular conclusions is as important as the conclusions themselves.
The Misunderstood Science of Genetic Bottlenecks S. Joshua Swamidass March 20, 2023The science of genetic bottlenecks is known to many, but often misunderstood.
The Providential Arrival of Our Species Darrel R. Falk March 7, 2023An exploration of the unique providential events (and nonevents) in the evolutionary lineage of humans Science
The Surprising Rise of Humans Peaceful Science March 7, 2023In several experiments in Earth’s history, nothing like humans has ever evolved here on earth.
Swamidass Elected a Fellow of the AAAS Peaceful Science February 1, 2023Recognized for contributions to computational biology, outreach to faith communities.
Could evolution be compatible with arguments for design in biology after all? E. V. R. Kojonen January 3, 2023Revisiting Asa Gray’s understanding of designed evolution for the 21st century
Incompatible, or Driven Apart? Joshua March December 7, 2022The psychological mechanisms of conflict and dialogue between religion and science
Andrew Loke’s New Book on Adam and Eve Peaceful Science November 15, 2022The theological conversation about evolution and the Christian faith continues this week at ETS and AAR.
Evolutionary Theory and the Interpretation of Scripture Gijsbert van den Brink October 13, 2022Exploring options for reconciling evolutionary science with the Bible, with a focus on Reformed theologies and hermaneutics. Theology