Reviewing Haarsma’s book, there are indeed “many ways” to reconcile evolution with the doctrine of sin… Ancestry Evolution
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Reviewing Haarsma’s book, there are indeed “many ways” to reconcile evolution with the doctrine of sin… Ancestry Evolution
A dialogue between four leading evangelical scholars, exploring the theological and scientific questions surrounding the historical Adam and Eve.
Stephen Mitchell and Kennen Tilman respond to Andrew Snellings articles.
Assessing whether the geology of the Grand Canyon is consistent with rapid formation under a young Earth, global flood model.
Assessing whether the geology of the Grand Canyon is consistent with rapid formation under a young Earth, global flood model.
Assessing whether the geology of the Grand Canyon is consistent with rapid formation under a young Earth, global flood model.
Many of us still feel his absence, and we will for some time come.
Many of us still feel Michael Hesier’s absence. I certainly do, and will for some time come. Theology
Dr. Swamidass is appearing in a documentary next week on the Garden of Eden.
What if a chimpanzee stood up one day and talked to us with the same level of competence as does ChatGPT?
Tom Ingebritsen was a biology professor at Iowa State University for 24 years when he found something that changed everything. Confession Resurrection
The reasoning by which we come to particular conclusions is as important as the conclusions themselves.
The science of genetic bottlenecks is known to many, but often misunderstood.
An exploration of the unique providential events (and nonevents) in the evolutionary lineage of humans Science
In several experiments in Earth’s history, nothing like humans has ever evolved here on earth.
Recognized for contributions to computational biology, outreach to faith communities.
Revisiting Asa Gray’s understanding of designed evolution for the 21st century
The psychological mechanisms of conflict and dialogue between religion and science
The theological conversation about evolution and the Christian faith continues this week at ETS and AAR.
A discussion of various proposals regarding Adam & Eve and how they align with science and Catholic theology
Exploring options for reconciling evolutionary science with the Bible, with a focus on Reformed theologies and hermaneutics. Theology
A leading young earth creationist, a paleontologist, debates Dr. Swamidass and Michael Jones on evolution, and whether it is compatible with Genesis.
If Dr. Marcus Ross has any scientific objections to my work, let him to take them up directly with me. Science
Denis Lamoureux, an evolutionary creationist, found a math error in The Genealogical Adam and Eve. This mistake, and the rest, are corrected in the paperback version of the book.