It is difficult to classify every way of understanding Adam and Eve alongside evolution. These four questions are a helpful starting point. Adam and Eve Theology
The Genealogical Adam and Eve
It is difficult to classify every way of understanding Adam and Eve alongside evolution. These four questions are a helpful starting point. Adam and Eve Theology
Michael Heiser pursues his exegetical work on its own terms, engaging watchfully with science. How do sacred and natural history combine? Adam and Eve Theology
Whatever our skin color, country of origin, ethnicity, or culture, we are all one family, one blood, one race, the human race. What has rendered us apart? Ancestry Art Race
Jon Garvey published the first book-length response to Joshua Swamidass’ The Genealogical Adam and Eve, a theological case for people outside the garden. Adam and Eve Theology
David Rygiol responds with art: Most of our ancestors leave us no genes at all – they are genetic ghosts in our past, looming like a shadow. Art
David Rygiol responds with art: I grew up in a fractured world, and the fracture grew into me, challenging, unsettling my identity. Art
Madeume’s objections do not challenge Swamidass’ key thesis: a traditional, literal reading of Scripture does not rule out people outside the Garden. Adam and Eve Theology
A readers guide to the written interviews about the The Genealogical Adam and Eve: Christianity Today, Paul Louis Metzger, Sean McDowell, and Duke Divinity. News
John W. Hilber explains how Relevance Theory clarifies the meaning of text, by clarifying what is implicated vs. incidental to the message. Adam and Eve Theology
I was wrong. I incorrectly used the terms monophyletic and polyphyletic in my book, The Genealogical Adam and Eve. I am correcting the record here. Science
Responding to my book, Garvey argues that allowing for people outside the garden is helpful to theology, recovering the original understanding of Genesis.
When it comes to human ancestry and origins, images can help communicate what words cannot, and invite a broader audience to join the conversation. Art
As for me, I aim to quickly correct my own mistakes as publicly as I make them. This is one of the demands of science, and what I expect of others.
The dialogue between PS and RTB is live streamed on January 18th, as we consider The Genealogical Adam and Eve alongside their model of human origins. Adam and Eve
The question of Tasmania pulls us deeper into science, wondering together about what we know and the limits of our knowledge. Let the conversation grow.
The Genealogical Adam and Eve. A conversation begins on human origins, but it is also an old conversation, one that brings us to an ancient question. News
Nathan Lents, a secular biologist, published in USA Today his reasons for endorsing The Genealogical Adam and Eve. This created a small social media storm. Adam and Eve
Instead of narrowly arguing for our own theology, let us all advocate for truthful accounts of science and the full diversity of the Church. Peace. Adam and Eve Dialogue Society